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IDEA LEAGUE FELLOWSHIPS - TU Delft Assistant Professors
APPLICATION CLOSED - The IDEA league combines the strength of five of Europe’s leading technical universities to provide unique opportunities. A first fellowship call is now open to provide TU Delft assistant professors with the opportunity to spend 3 to 6 months (in total) in one or preferably more partner universities.
The call will be closed by June 1st 2024.
The research stay must be completed, and all expenses be paid by December 31st, 2024.
The research stay must be completed, and all expenses be paid by December 31st, 2024.
TU Delft:
Calls for other universities:
TU Delft:
Calls for other universities:
The IDEA league combines the strength of five of Europe’s leading technical universities to provide unique opportunities to connect, collaborate, contribute, and inspire technological innovation to tackle global challenges. As part of the common efforts to enhance long term synergies among the universities, a first fellowship call is now open to provide TU Delft assistant professors with the opportunity to spend 3 to 6 months (in total) in one or preferably more partner universities. This call will be issued two more times after this initial pilot. The budget available for the TU Delft for these fellowships will be 3x €150.000 in 3 consecutive call rounds.
The IDEA League Fellowship Programme has the following objectives:
- To contribute to strengthening the collaboration between partner universities through starting or further developing research and collaboration efforts
- To contribute to knowledge exchange and capacity building within the partner universities through sharing research infrastructures
- To facilitate innovative inter-disciplinary cooperation and communication to tackle societal challenges
The fellowship may be used to start or further develop a project (proposal), research or manuscript, in collaboration with fellow scientists of the partner institutes. IDEA League fellows are encouraged to build synergies with(in) the institutes, their departments and the universities at large.
The IDEA League Alliance institutes are:
- Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)
- ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
- Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
- RWTH Aachen (Germany)
- TU Delft (Netherlands)
The IDEA league combines the strength of five of Europe’s leading technical universities to provide unique opportunities to connect, collaborate, contribute, and inspire technological innovation to tackle global challenges. As part of the common efforts to enhance long term synergies among the universities, a first fellowship call is now open to provide TU Delft assistant professors with the opportunity to spend 3 to 6 months (in total) in one or preferably more partner universities. This call will be issued two more times after this initial pilot. The budget available for the TU Delft for these fellowships will be 3x €150.000 in 3 consecutive call rounds.
The IDEA League Fellowship Programme has the following objectives:
- To contribute to strengthening the collaboration between partner universities through starting or further developing research and collaboration efforts - To contribute to knowledge exchange and capacity building within the partner universities through sharing research infrastructures - To facilitate innovative inter-disciplinary cooperation and communication to tackle societal challenges
The fellowship may be used to start or further develop a project (proposal), research or manuscript, in collaboration with fellow scientists of the partner institutes. IDEA League fellows are encouraged to build synergies with(in) the institutes, their departments and the universities at large.
The IDEA League Alliance institutes are:
- Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden) - ETH Zurich (Switzerland) - Politecnico di Milano (Italy) - RWTH Aachen (Germany) - TU Delft (Netherlands)
How to apply
This call is open to **assistant professors employed by the TU Delft** who have obtained their PhD degree after January 1st 2017, Academic Career Track staff members are encouraged to apply.
This call is open to **assistant professors employed by the TU Delft** who have obtained their PhD degree after January 1st 2017, Academic Career Track staff members are encouraged to apply.
In order to apply you need to login to SiROP with your university account. When your email belongs to a partner university the affiliation is created automatically.
After successful affiliation you can return to this event and you will find a button "Apply" right at the top.
If you need to affiliate manually please see:
In order to apply you need to login to SiROP with your university account. When your email belongs to a partner university the affiliation is created automatically.
After successful affiliation you can return to this event and you will find a button "Apply" right at the top.
If you need to affiliate manually please see:
The following documents will be requested from you as PDF attachments you will have to upload with your application:
- A motivation letter (max 1 A4).
- A short CV including 3 key highlights with a brief explanation (max 2 pages).
- Endorsement by head of department at TU Delft specifying the added value for collaboration with partner institute(s).
- A description of the research themes and objective and a (preliminary) list of activities planned for the stay abroad, especially use of research infrastructure (max 2 pages).
- A letter or email of acceptance/invitation from each host department.
The following documents will be requested from you as PDF attachments you will have to upload with your application:
- A motivation letter (max 1 A4). - A short CV including 3 key highlights with a brief explanation (max 2 pages). - Endorsement by head of department at TU Delft specifying the added value for collaboration with partner institute(s). - A description of the research themes and objective and a (preliminary) list of activities planned for the stay abroad, especially use of research infrastructure (max 2 pages). - A letter or email of acceptance/invitation from each host department.
For more information please read the detailed call:
If you have any further questions regarding the application process, please contact the organizer
For more information please read the detailed call:
If you have any further questions regarding the application process, please contact the organizer
The IDEA league combines the strength of five of Europe’s leading technical universities to provide unique opportunities. Fellowship calls provide assistant professors from the IDEA League partner universities with the opportunity to spend 3 to 6 months (in total) in one or preferably more partner universities.