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Ridge lift exploitation for small unmanned fixed-wing aircraft
This thesis aims to investigate sufficient modeling of terrain-induced lift for use in the design of a lift-exploiting, ridge-soaring controller for small fixed-wing aircraft.
A remaining practical limitation of small, fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is their flight endurance. The AtlantikSolar project ( has targeted this limitation with the use of solar power, so far with promising multi-day flight results. However, sunny conditions with minimal wind during months with high solar radiation have been required to make these flights possible; a potentially limiting factor for future beyond-line-of-sight applications such as pipeline monitoring or border patrol, where the weather may not always cooperate.
Another potential source of flight longevity is the exploitation of atmospheric turbulence and winds (gusts or shear) as a source of increased lift. A particularly interesting case for flight along mountainous terrain, is that of ridge lift. Glider pilots, paragliders, and birds alike exploit this effect to gain altitude when the surrounding air is rising faster than their sink rate. Small UAVs could potentially use these “free” sources of energy to stay aloft for longer durations.
Exploitation of these lift sources, however, is a complex task requiring atmospheric modeling, sufficient knowledge of the given aircraft's aerodynamic behavior, and a control system capable of sensing (*estimating), reacting, and possibly planning the next best actions to reduce energy consumption. This thesis aims to investigate sufficient modeling of terrain-induced lift for use in the design of a lift-exploiting, ridge-soaring controller for small fixed-wing aircraft.
A remaining practical limitation of small, fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is their flight endurance. The AtlantikSolar project ( has targeted this limitation with the use of solar power, so far with promising multi-day flight results. However, sunny conditions with minimal wind during months with high solar radiation have been required to make these flights possible; a potentially limiting factor for future beyond-line-of-sight applications such as pipeline monitoring or border patrol, where the weather may not always cooperate.
Another potential source of flight longevity is the exploitation of atmospheric turbulence and winds (gusts or shear) as a source of increased lift. A particularly interesting case for flight along mountainous terrain, is that of ridge lift. Glider pilots, paragliders, and birds alike exploit this effect to gain altitude when the surrounding air is rising faster than their sink rate. Small UAVs could potentially use these “free” sources of energy to stay aloft for longer durations.
Exploitation of these lift sources, however, is a complex task requiring atmospheric modeling, sufficient knowledge of the given aircraft's aerodynamic behavior, and a control system capable of sensing (*estimating), reacting, and possibly planning the next best actions to reduce energy consumption. This thesis aims to investigate sufficient modeling of terrain-induced lift for use in the design of a lift-exploiting, ridge-soaring controller for small fixed-wing aircraft.
- Literature review on ridge lift modeling and soaring trajectory planning/control
- Development and flight test verification of simplified lift models from terrain and wind information
- Design and flight testing of a lift exploiting / soaring controller: this could take a low-level direction assuming the trajectory is determined a priori, or even better would include high-level, online adaptation and trajectory planning
- Literature review on ridge lift modeling and soaring trajectory planning/control - Development and flight test verification of simplified lift models from terrain and wind information - Design and flight testing of a lift exploiting / soaring controller: this could take a low-level direction assuming the trajectory is determined a priori, or even better would include high-level, online adaptation and trajectory planning
- Fundamental knowledge of fluid/aero-dynamics and flight mechanics
- Solid basis in control theory and/or optimization
- Experience with MATLAB (required), C++ (required), and ROS (desired)
- RC piloting or modeling experience / outdoor flight testing exposure (desired)
- Highly motivated student. This problem is hard and does not have a plug and play solution, you will need to do the research and find a way to solve it!
- Fundamental knowledge of fluid/aero-dynamics and flight mechanics - Solid basis in control theory and/or optimization - Experience with MATLAB (required), C++ (required), and ROS (desired) - RC piloting or modeling experience / outdoor flight testing exposure (desired) - Highly motivated student. This problem is hard and does not have a plug and play solution, you will need to do the research and find a way to solve it!
Please contact Thomas Stastny ( with Philipp Oettershagen ( in 'cc – along with your CV and a short description of your previous experience – to learn more about currently available topics. We are looking forward to receiving your application.
Please contact Thomas Stastny ( with Philipp Oettershagen ( in 'cc – along with your CV and a short description of your previous experience – to learn more about currently available topics. We are looking forward to receiving your application.