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Developing an In Vitro Platform to Study Neuron-Tumor Interactions
Glioblastoma, the most aggressive brain tumour in adults, interacts with the surrounding healthy brain to promote further cancer growth. However, it is challenging to study these interactions directly in the human brain. In response, we are developing a platform that allows us to study this phenomenon in more detail, with a particular focus on unravelling how cancer alters the electrical activity of brain cells.
Keywords: Glioblastoma, microfluidics, biomarkers, electrophysiology, microelectrode arrays, hydrogels, brain-on-a-chip, cancer invasion, drug testing
Glioblastoma is the most aggressive brain tumour in adults. Recent research shows that glioblastomas functionally integrate into the healthy brain, which helps the tumour grow. However, it is challenging to study this interaction between cancer and brain cells in vivo due to the complexity of the human brain. To address this, we are developing a novel platform that allows us to co-culture engineered brain networks with glioblastoma cells on microelectrode arrays.
The primary objective of this project is to co-develop and eventually employ this platform to investigate the invasion of glioblastoma cells into healthy brain networks, with the potential for preliminary drug testing. The students can expect to gain experience in different areas, depending on his/her interests. These include:
- Gaining different laboratory skills, such as cell culturing and hydrogel fabrication
- Analysing neural spiking behaviours using microelectrode arrays and live imaging
- Using data science and machine learning approaches to handle large datasets of neural activity
- Designing microstructures to engineer platforms of small brain networks
- Working in a diverse and multidisciplinary environment
This unique project is supervised by the Laboratory of Biosensors and Bioelectronics (LBB), at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering at ETH. The student working on this multidisciplinary project will benefit from a supportive environment with full access to the necessary resources and equipment to conduct pioneering scientific research.
Glioblastoma is the most aggressive brain tumour in adults. Recent research shows that glioblastomas functionally integrate into the healthy brain, which helps the tumour grow. However, it is challenging to study this interaction between cancer and brain cells in vivo due to the complexity of the human brain. To address this, we are developing a novel platform that allows us to co-culture engineered brain networks with glioblastoma cells on microelectrode arrays.
The primary objective of this project is to co-develop and eventually employ this platform to investigate the invasion of glioblastoma cells into healthy brain networks, with the potential for preliminary drug testing. The students can expect to gain experience in different areas, depending on his/her interests. These include:
- Gaining different laboratory skills, such as cell culturing and hydrogel fabrication
- Analysing neural spiking behaviours using microelectrode arrays and live imaging
- Using data science and machine learning approaches to handle large datasets of neural activity
- Designing microstructures to engineer platforms of small brain networks
- Working in a diverse and multidisciplinary environment
This unique project is supervised by the Laboratory of Biosensors and Bioelectronics (LBB), at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering at ETH. The student working on this multidisciplinary project will benefit from a supportive environment with full access to the necessary resources and equipment to conduct pioneering scientific research.
Specific project goals will be tailored to your individual expertise and interest. If you are a skilled and motivated student wanting to apply your theoretical knowledge in a practical setting and gain invaluable interdisciplinary experience, please contact us directly via email with your CV and transcript of records attached.
Specific project goals will be tailored to your individual expertise and interest. If you are a skilled and motivated student wanting to apply your theoretical knowledge in a practical setting and gain invaluable interdisciplinary experience, please contact us directly via email with your CV and transcript of records attached.