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Robotics in barrier-free industrial kitchens
The project shall enable all people – regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities – to work in the kitchen
Keywords: Robotics, Inclusion, kitchen work
The potential of robotics and artifi cial intelligence in industrial kitchens is huge, but is rarely exploited. This is set to change in the planned new “Labor Inklusion” building by
“Blindspot - Inclusion and Diversity Switzerland”
in the heart of Bern. In collaboration with ETH Zurich, a new kitchen is being designed and built for the planned restaurant that is fully in line with inclusion. The aim is to enable all people – regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities – to actively participate in the work process in the kitchen and be a part of society.
The potential of robotics and artifi cial intelligence in industrial kitchens is huge, but is rarely exploited. This is set to change in the planned new “Labor Inklusion” building by “Blindspot - Inclusion and Diversity Switzerland” in the heart of Bern. In collaboration with ETH Zurich, a new kitchen is being designed and built for the planned restaurant that is fully in line with inclusion. The aim is to enable all people – regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities – to actively participate in the work process in the kitchen and be a part of society.
This project is intended to explore the various potentials and outline options for action. The results are actively incorporated into the project concept.
This project is intended to explore the various potentials and outline options for action. The results are actively incorporated into the project concept.
Not specified
This research and conceptual work can be carried out by students of Mechanical Engineering, RSC (Robotics, Systems & Control), ITET, Biomedical Engineering and HST (Health Sciences & Technology).
This research and conceptual work can be carried out by students of Mechanical Engineering, RSC (Robotics, Systems & Control), ITET, Biomedical Engineering and HST (Health Sciences & Technology).
Please send your CV and the latest transcript of records from your studies to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Riener, SMS Lab, ETH Zurich & Medical Faculty, UZH, Robert Riener will host the thesis and supervise it together with Jonas Staub, Inclusion expert and CEO Blindspot, and Prof. Alexander Mathys, Professor of Sustainable Food Processing, ETH Zurich.
Please send your CV and the latest transcript of records from your studies to Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Riener, SMS Lab, ETH Zurich & Medical Faculty, UZH, Robert Riener will host the thesis and supervise it together with Jonas Staub, Inclusion expert and CEO Blindspot, and Prof. Alexander Mathys, Professor of Sustainable Food Processing, ETH Zurich.