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PhD Opportunity in Bioethics, BREETH University of Basel
We are currently looking for a dynamic and independent graduate student (Master’s degree) or physician who is interested in carrying out their PhD work in empirical bioethics. The PhD position is part of an exciting research project on the ethical and social implications of new plant breeding technologies funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation as part of the National Research Program NRP84. The project draws from a planetary health ethics approach to investigate ethical and social aspects related to the social and political (non-)acceptance of genetically modified food. It has empirical parts (systematic review of reasons, content analysis of public debates in Switzerland and the US, stakeholder interview study, survey) and an ethical analysis part mapping trade-offs and arguments based on the available literature and the empirical findings. The project is practice oriented and includes rich implementation activities with various stakeholders, including politicians, farmers, food industry, NGOs, and scientists from plant biology and public health. The PhD candidate with closely collaborate with a Postdoc working on the project.