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Digital Twin for Spot's Home
MOTIVATION ⇾ Creating a digital twin of the robot's environment is crucial for several reasons:
1. Simulate Different Robots: Test various robots in a virtual environment, saving time and resources.
2. Accurate Evaluation: Precisely assess robot interactions and performance.
3. Enhanced Flexibility: Easily modify scenarios to develop robust systems.
4. Cost Efficiency: Reduce costs by identifying issues in virtual simulations.
5. Scalability: Replicate multiple environments for comprehensive testing.
We propose to create a digital twin of our Semantic environment, designed in your preferred graphics Platform to be able to simulate Reinforcement Learning agents in the digital environment, to create a unified evaluation platform for robotic tasks.
Keywords: Digital Twin, Robotics
Not specified
Not specified
Requirements: experience with a Python deep learning framework, understanding of 3D scene and camera geometry.
Please send us a CV and transcript.
Dr. Hermann Blum (
Dr. Zuria Bauer (
Tifanny Portela (
Jelena Trisovic (
Requirements: experience with a Python deep learning framework, understanding of 3D scene and camera geometry.
Please send us a CV and transcript.
Dr. Hermann Blum ( Dr. Zuria Bauer ( Tifanny Portela ( Jelena Trisovic (