Developing a constrained RL framework for social navigation, emphasizing explicit safety constraints to reduce reliance on reward tuning. - Engineering and Technology
- Master Thesis
Designing a crowd simulator for realistic human-robot interactions, enabling RL agent training in social navigation tasks. - Engineering and Technology
- Master Thesis
This project will be based on the preliminary results obtained from a previous master project in causal graphical modeling of autonomous dysreflexia (AD). The focus of the extension would be two-fold. One is improving the temporal graphical reconstruction for understanding the mechanism of AD. The other one is building a forecasting framework for the early detection and prevention of AD using the graph structure we constructed before. Please refer to the attached document for more details about the task description. Based on the candidate's qualifications, funding/allowance can be provided. - Artificial Intelligence and Signal and Image Processing, Autonomic Nervous System
- ETH Zurich (ETHZ), Internship, Master Thesis, Semester Project
Semantic segmentation augments visual information from cameras or geometric information from LiDARs by classifying what objects are present in a scene. Fusing this semantic information with visual or geometric sensor data can improve the odometry estimate of a robot moving through the scene. Uni-modal semantic odometry approaches using camera images or LiDAR point clouds have been shown to outperform traditional single-sensor approaches. However, multi-sensor odometry approaches typically provide more robust estimation in degenerate environments. - Computer Vision, Image Processing, Intelligent Robotics, Signal Processing
- Master Thesis, Semester Project
Use evolutionary algorithms with analytical force closure metrics to learn the optimal morphology of a dexterous hand. - Intelligent Robotics
- Master Thesis, Semester Project
Develop a method for collision aware reaching tasks using reinforcement learning and shape encodings of the environment - Intelligent Robotics
- ETH Zurich (ETHZ), Master Thesis, Semester Project
Develop zero-shot scene graph alignment algorithm using multi-modal data such as point clouds, CAD meshes, etc. - Computer Vision
- Master Thesis, Semester Project
This project offers a unique opportunity to work on cutting-edge technologies shaping the future of AR/VR and robotic perception. The selected candidate will benefit from direct supervision by researchers in Federico Tombari’s team at Google. - Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Intelligent Robotics
- Master Thesis
Using a fixed video camera to automatically document the number and type of holds used. - Biomedical Engineering, Engineering/Technology Instrumentation, Human Movement and Sports Science
- Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis, Semester Project
Model-based reinforcement learning uses world models to predict the outcomes of a robot's actions, allowing it to "imagine" new interaction trajectories and reduce data needs. However, learning a high-fidelity world model requires a large amount of data. This thesis aims to minimize the amount of real-world data required to learn a world model. We will staet experimenting with simple tasks, such as pushing objects on a table, and eventually test our ideas on a real robot arm. - Computer Vision, Intelligent Robotics, Mechanical Engineering, Robotics and Mechatronics
- Master Thesis