ENAC - Civil Engineering SectionOpen OpportunitiesGranular materials form complex networks of force chains arising from frictional interactions between particles. Under applied shear, this network of contacts can undergo complex topological and geometrical rearrangements. The connection between these grain-scale patterns and the macroscopic behavior of the material is still a field of active research. In this project we will employ Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to shed light on these processes, focusing on the regime where granular materials approach unjamming and failure. The models will be trained on data from high fidelity discrete element simulations as well as experimental measurements with grain-scale resolution. - Geotechnical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
- Master Thesis, Semester Project
| In many real-world complex systems, the output is influenced by both the input, such as operating conditions, and the system's health status. To accurately predict the dynamics of such systems, it's essential to not only understand the relationship between input and output based on various health conditions, but also to model the system's degradation over time. In this project, our objective is to combine physical knowledge to develop a neural ordinary differential equation (ODE) to model this degradation, thereby enabling precise predictions of the system's dynamics over time. Here, we will mainly focus on two systems, the Lithium-ion battery and CMAPSS jet engine. - Engineering and Technology, Information, Computing and Communication Sciences
- Master Thesis, Semester Project
| The project is a collaboration between EPFL IMOS Lab and Belimo exploring Deep Learning algorithms for commissioning parameters of Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning systems - Engineering and Technology
- Master Thesis
| The student will work on the topic of Multimodal Out-of-Distribution (OOD) Detection. The goal of this project is to explore the rich information in Foundation Models to improve the OOD Detection performances. - Artificial Intelligence and Signal and Image Processing
- Master Thesis, Semester Project
| Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPMs) are a highly popular class of deep generative models that have been successfully applied to various problems, including image and video generation. Recently, there have been attempts to apply these models to time-series data. However, they are not enough for modeling spatial-temporal interactions. They primarily focus on temporal dependencies within individual sensors, neglecting the spatial correlations between different nodes. In reality, objects are spatially correlated with each other. This project aims to explore a graph-based denoising diffusion probabilistic model to jointly capture both temporal dependencies and spatial interactions. - Artificial Intelligence and Signal and Image Processing, Civil Engineering, Communications Technologies, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Interdisciplinary Engineering
- Master Thesis, Semester Project
| This project is part of a collaboration between the IMOS lab and Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn, a railway company operating in the Swiss Alps. The student will work on developing computer vision algorithms for automated visual inspection of retaining walls around railway tracks. Retaining (or supporting) walls are crucial infrastructure elements responsible for maintaining the structural integrity of terrains around railway tracks and ensure safe operation. They are subject to wear and damages including cracks, concrete cancer (i.e., alkali–silica reaction), displacements, erosion and water infiltration. Images of retaining walls have already been collected and labels are available. The goal will be to design algorithms to estimate the condition of a wall, with a focus on robustness, transfer learning, and explainability (XAI). - Engineering and Technology, Information, Computing and Communication Sciences
- Master Thesis, Semester Project
| Many graphs in real-world applications are text-attributed graphs (TAG). Examples include the description of the condition of sensors and pipes and the water distribution network over the junctions, the posts on a social media platform and the following graph over the users, the text of academic articles and the citation network over these articles, among others. This project focuses on combining the power of graph neural networks (GNNs) and large language models (LLMs) to extract information from both the text modality and the graph modality to facilitate learning on TAGs in engineering applications. - Artificial Intelligence and Signal and Image Processing
- Master Thesis, Semester Project