Cardiovascular Magnetic ResonanceOpen OpportunitiesThe aim of the project is to investigate the benefits, requirements and drawbacks of physics informed neural networks in the context of personalised cardiac and cardiovascular models - Biomechanical Engineering, Clinical Engineering, Computation Theory and Mathematics, Fluidization and Fluid Mechanics, Neural Networks, Genetic Alogrithms and Fuzzy Logic, Simulation and Modelling
- Master Thesis
| The project focuses exploiting generative AI to build synthetic numerical phantom for cardiac anatomy and function suitable for representing population variability. - Biomechanical Engineering, Information, Computing and Communication Sciences
- Master Thesis
| The aim of this project is to develop an automatic approach using physics-informed neural networks to infer hemodynamic parameters and flow quantities of in-silico aortic stenosis patients. - Engineering and Technology, Information, Computing and Communication Sciences, Mathematical Sciences
- Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis, Semester Project