Vision for Robotics LabOpen OpportunitiesAvientus is a startup that specializes in developing cutting-edge, heavy-duty automated drone transportation systems designed to revolutionize logistics and industrial applications. To further enhance the safety and reliability of their drones, we are offering a Master Thesis opportunity in the field of collision avoidance for drones. - Computer Vision, Intelligent Robotics
- Master Thesis
| Existing lidar-inertial odometry approaches (e.g., FAST-LIO2 [1]) are capable of providing sufficiently accurate pose estimation in structured environments to capture high quality 3D maps of static structures in real-time. However, the presence of dynamic objects in an environment can reduce the accuracy of the odometry estimate and produce noisy artifacts in the captured 3D map. Existing approaches to handling dynamic objects [2-4] focus on detecting and filtering them from the captured 3D map but typically operate independently from the odometry pipeline, which means that the dynamic filtering does not improve the pose estimation accuracy. - Computer Vision, Engineering and Technology, Intelligent Robotics, Signal Processing
- Master Thesis, Semester Project
| This project offers a unique opportunity to work on cutting-edge technologies shaping the future of AR/VR and robotic perception. The selected candidate will benefit from direct supervision by researchers in Federico Tombari’s team at Google. - Computer Graphics, Computer Vision, Intelligent Robotics
- Master Thesis