Paul Scherrer InstituteAcronym | PSI | Homepage | | Country | Switzerland | ZIP, City | | Address | | Phone | | Type | Academy | Current organization | Paul Scherrer Institute | Child organizations | | Memberships | |
Open OpportunitiesNoise from wind turbines can potentially affect the health of surrounding ecosystems and the human population. However, the potential adverse effects of wind turbine noise are often mitigated by proper planning, including setbacks from residential areas, strategic wind farm placement, and noise reduc-tion technologies. Hence, research is needed to understand the specific effects of wind turbine noise on ecosystems and human populations and develop appropriate mitigation strategies. - Environmental Engineering Modelling, Environmental Impact Assessment
- Master Thesis
| The electron and proton beam instrumentation groups design, build, and operate instruments to measure the properties of the beams in the accelerators at PSI.
We want to explore the applicability of large language models (LLMs) for the extraction of information from documents describing the instrumentation for our particle accelerators. As a trainee, you will prepare the data, test different LLMs, and deploy an application for our intranet. In this role, you will have the unique opportunity to explore the potential of LLMs in extracting information from documents related to the instrumentation of our particle accelerators.
The project involves the following tasks:
• Data Preparation: Collect, clean, and organize data from documents related to particle accelerator instrumentation for use in LLMs
• Model Testing: Experiment with different large language models to evaluate their effectiveness in extracting relevant information
• Application Deployment: Develop and deploy an application on our intranet to automate the extraction and utilization of information using LLMs
• Collaboration: Work closely with our research and engineering teams to ensure the application meets the needs of our internal stakeholders - Chemistry, Physics
- Internship
| Your work will focus on the preparation of electrocatalysts and conducting electrochemical characterization measurements. During your internship, you will perform CO2 reduction experiments using an electrochemical setup coupled with a gas-chromatography analyzer. You will perform a detailed analysis of the role of ionomer in the preparation of electrocatalysts and investigate its influence on the CO2 reduction activity and selectivity. Throughout your internship, you will interact extensively with colleagues both within the group and the whole electrochemistry laboratory. - Chemistry, Physics
- Internship
| • Unterstützung der Bereichscontroller bei ihrer Tätigkeit als Bindeglied zwischen der Abteilung Finanzen und Dienste und den zugeteilten Bereichen
• Unterstützung bei der Durchführung regelmässiger Hochrechnungen und der jährlichen Budgetierung
• Selbstständige Erstellung von regelmässigen und ad hoc Reports und Analysen
• Mitarbeit bei der Weiterentwicklung unserer Tools
• Mitarbeit in Projekten der Abteilung Finanzen und Dienste | To assess the overall contribution of the hydrogen economy components towards net zero energy economy we need to perform the life cycle impact assessment of the hydrogen-based power production systems. - Environmental Engineering, Interdisciplinary Engineering, Materials Engineering, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Other, Resources Engineering
- Master Thesis, Semester Project
| Global warming induces emissions changes in global ecosystems, for example changes to marine algal blooms, emerging terrestrial vegetation, increasing glacial dust or fires. At the same time human activities in the cryosphere cause emissions from traffic, domestic activities and animal herding. All these emissions change the composition of the atmosphere.
As part of this project, you will have the option to analyse aerosol filter samples in the lab, collected during different (ongoing) campaigns, like the GreenFjord project's atmospheric cluster ( The main task will be to analyse the freshly created data to understand the complex puzzle of atmospheric aerosol sources.
You will use state-of-the art mass spectrometers to shed light into the chemical composition of aerosol particles. This work will be carried out at and with the team of the Laboratory of Atmospheric Chemistry at PSI, Switzerland. - Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry (incl. Atmospheric Chemistry)
- Internship, Lab Practice, Master Thesis
| The aim of this project is to develop a database and web-interface for the X-ray micro-fabrication team at PSI and ETHZ to track realized pieces, fabrication protocols and characterization of the products. - Computer Software, Information Systems
- Master Thesis
| Dark-field imaging is an emerging medical diagnostic tool, which allows to assess the diffusion of unresolved micro structures. This has yielded promising results in imaging organs like the lung more efficiently and could allow for new screening opportunities to improve treatment of diseases like the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The dark-field contrast, however, is difficult to model and little to no data is available to improve simulation and analysis capabilities. The goal of the thesis is to utilize a novel wave propagation simulation tool and validate its ability to quantitatively simulate and model dark-field images of known lung samples with results from measured data.
- Biomechanical Engineering, Optics and Opto-electronic Physics
- ETH Zurich (ETHZ), Master Thesis
| Develop a plugin for the Jupyter-based AiiDAlab Quantum ESPRESSO app focused on calculating the work function of material surfaces. Ideal for students aiming to apply their coding skills and scientific knowledge to contribute to scientific software in material science research. - Software Engineering, Theoretical and Condensed Matter Physics
- Master Thesis, Semester Project
| To enhance the application of AiiDA in their own research efforts, over the years, developers have created various augmentative tools, such as aiida-project or the aiida-resource-registry. The goal of this project is to improve and extend these tools, aiding towards their wide adaptation.
- Software Engineering
- Master Thesis, Semester Project