Müller Group / Laboratory for Bone BiomechanicsOpen OpportunitiesThis project endeavors to explore the dynamic interplay among calcium ions, bone graft substitutes, and resident immune cells in both orthotopic and ectopic environments, employing advanced ratiometric imaging techniques. - Biomaterials, Cellular Interactions (incl. Adhesion, Matrix, Cell Wall)
- Bachelor Thesis, Internship, Master Thesis, Semester Project
| Our goal is to establish a heterocellular 3D printed bone organoid model comprising all major bone cell types (osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts) to recapitulate bone remodeling units in an in vitro system. The organoids will be produced with the human cells, as they could represent human pathophysiology better than animal models, and eventually could replace them. These in vitro models could be used in the advancement of next-generation personalised treatment strategies. Our tools are different kinds of 3D bioprinting platforms, bio-ink formulations, hydrogels, mol-bioassays, and time-lapsed image processing of micro-CT scans. - Biomaterials, Biomechanical Engineering, Cell Development (incl. Cell Division and Apoptosis), Cellular Interactions (incl. Adhesion, Matrix, Cell Wall), Polymers
- Bachelor Thesis, ETH Zurich (ETHZ), Internship, Master Thesis, Semester Project
| The proposed project will investigate the trabecular bone response to estrogen depletion and will be used to investigate the probability of the chosen mechanism of action for estrogen. The chosen mechanism of action will be validated using available experimental reference data. - Biomechanics, Programming Techniques
- Bachelor Thesis, Internship, Master Thesis, Semester Project
| In over 100 years, the remarkable ability of bone to adapt to its mechanical environment has been a source of scientific fascination. Bone regeneration has been shown to be highly dependent on the mechanical environment at the fracture site. It has been demonstrated that mechanical stimuli can either accelerate or impede regeneration. Despite the fundamental importance of the mechanical environment in influencing bone regeneration, the molecular mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are complex and poorly understood. - Biomedical Engineering, Medical Physiology
- Bachelor Thesis, Internship, Master Thesis, Semester Project
| Fracture healing is a complex process that involves inflammation, angiogenesis, and bone remodeling. The remodelling process helps maintain bone density, repair micro-damage that occurs due to everyday activities, and adapt bones to the specific needs of an individual's body. Mechanical loading is a crucial factor in the regulation of fracture healing. The forces and strains experienced by the bone during everyday activities influence the cellular responses, callus formation, bone deposition, remodelling, and, ultimately, the successful recovery of the fractured bone. The mechanisms underlying spatial cell reorganization during loading, which contributes to fracture healing, remain unclear. The project aims to investigate and explore the fracture healing process of mice using spatial transcriptome changes in response to mechanical loading. By shedding light on this aspect, the project aims to contribute to the broader understanding of fracture healing and potentially pave the way for more effective treatment strategies in the future. - Biological Mathematics, Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, Engineering and Technology, Information, Computing and Communication Sciences, Medical and Health Sciences, Physics
- Bachelor Thesis, Course Project, ETH for Development (ETH4D) (ETHZ), ETH Zurich (ETHZ), IDEA League Student Grant (IDL), Internship, Master Thesis, Semester Project
| We seek a motivated student to develop and implement an automated image processing and analysis pipeline for micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) images of 3D bioprinted bone organoids. Leveraging our established volumetric mechanoregulation analysis method, the student will integrate finite element (FE) analysis to assess the mechanical properties of bone organoids. The project involves processing existing micro-CT datasets, performing FE simulations, and correlating stiffness parameters monitored during culture with FE results. This work aims to enhance the understanding of bone biomechanics and improve diagnostic assays and drug testing platforms for bone-related diseases. - Engineering and Technology
- ETH Zurich (ETHZ)
| The project aims at investigating the influence of osteoporosis and the effect of different pharmacological treatments and mechanical loading on osteocyte lacunar properties and void spaces in vertebral bone in 3D.
This can be achieved by registering high (1.2 µm) to low (10.5 µm) resolution microCT images and running morphological analyses. - Biomedical Engineering, Medical and Health Sciences
- Bachelor Thesis, ETH Zurich (ETHZ), Internship, Master Thesis, Semester Project