Bio-Inspired RObots for MEDicine-Laboratory (BIROMED-Lab)Open OpportunitiesYou will work on a system to analyze the dental drill that is in use. Shape, size and wear level of the dental drill have to be recognized. - Engineering and Technology
- Master Thesis
| You will work on a vision-based dental tool tracking in a dental phantom head. - Engineering and Technology
- Master Thesis
| You will be part of the team for the project Miniature Intraoral Robot (MIR) Performing Minimal-invasive,
Personalized and Precision Dentistry. In this project we aim to develop a robotic device for tooth preparation. - Engineering and Technology
- Bachelor Thesis, Internship
| The goal of this project is to develop a miniature milling mechanism that allows high-speed revolution (200K-450K rpm) of a milling tool.
- Engineering and Technology
- Master Thesis
| This project aims to investigate and implement a miniature robot milling trajectory planning and trajectory tracking control for tooth preparation. - Engineering and Technology
- Bachelor Thesis, Master Thesis
| The goal of this project is to develop a miniature sensing unit that allows sensing the absolute position of the prismatic actuator on the miniature robot. Further details can be found in the attached project description. - Engineering and Technology
- Internship
| We are developing a teleoperated micro-assembly system. A core component is a force-sensitive micro-gripper. A first gripper prototype has been realized and evaluated. Your task will be to review and improve the current design and to implement automated object slippage detection. - Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Robotics and Mechatronics
- Master Thesis