Neurotechnology Group - Yanik, M. FatihOpen OpportunitiesDeveloping a state-machine Simulink model to be deployed at MathWorks SpeedGoat real-time target machine for closed-loop brain-machine interface (BMI). The state-machine will control the closed-loop BMI peripherals and synchronise the data flow. Peripherals include neural recorders & stimulators, data analysis cluster, video cameras and experimental chamber. Experimental chamber (variety of servos, steppers, sensors etc.) will be controlled with built-in FPGA and GPIO of SpeedGoat machine. Other peripherals are connected with serial bus. Acquired data needs to be organized and stored in datasink unit.
Matlab Simulink, state-machines, FPGA programming, serial communication protocols, data synchronisation
Please send your CV and transcript along with your application. - Arithmetic and Logic Structures, Computer Communications Networks, Digital Systems, Electrical Engineering, Input, Output and Data Devices, Logic Design
- Bachelor Thesis, Internship, Master Thesis, Semester Project
| Programming a graphical user interface (e.g. in Qt/C++) which can handle and process the data acquired in our brain-machine interface (BMI) experiments. The data includes high-density brain activity recordings from hundreds of recording channels, neural-stimulation events, 3D&4D data coming from MRI scans of the subject implanted with BMI. The backend will be programmed in Python where you also need to connect supporting tools (e.g. Blender) via Python.
Please send an email with your CV and transcript of records attached. - Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Software Engineering
- Bachelor Thesis, ETH Zurich (ETHZ), Internship, Master Thesis, Semester Project